Saturday 31 August 2013

Author Interview & Book Spotlight: The Cain Children by Brett Lane

About the Author:

Some say that Brett Lane has writing in his blood. His father made his living as a writer and both his father and his uncle had books published. However, Brett never followed in their footsteps and instead chose a life of service to his community. Brett has been doing his best to clean up the streets and make your neighborhoods safe at night for greater than fifteen years now.

Much of Brett's detailed stories stem from things that he has personally witnessed. These inspirations were not copied exactly and were tailored to fit the story and most were not very pleasant.

So how did this cop become an author?

Brett always felt that he had a story to tell, but never put much belief into his ability. That all changed when Brett located an app called "The Novelist" in the iTunes Store. The brand new app was created to bring aspiring authors together for a contest. Each week the authors when get an assignments and write a story using a certain number of words. Each week, fans would vote for their favorites and the one with the least would be out. The grand prize was the winner got their book published by the sponsors of the app.

Much to his surprise, Brett won the thing and now has his debut novel "The Cain Children" published and available for purchase through amazon.

Follow me on twitter: @brettlane0902

What stories do you like to hear, create and share?

I like to be shocked. I like books that leave you guessing where it is going to head, only to be wrong every time. I will usually be in the horror, thriller, or true crime genres.

If you were a teacher, what would be your best lesson to teach?

I would like history because there is a story to tell, but none of the strict guidelines or layout required in an English class.

What do you think is the best way to share a story?

Orally, you can put excitement and emotion into a tale and if there were any questions or misunderstandings, they can be addressed immediately.

Do you think you could survive in the wild, on your own?

I grew up camping, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, and was quite active in the Boy Scouts. I have no doubt I could survive.

What is the highest price you have ever paid for a lesson, whether teaching, sharing or learning?

I have seen guys that paid the ultimate price for lessons and mistakes. As a LEO, a simple mistake may lead to serious injury or death and sometimes the same results can come from no mistakes at all. We study the circumstances and do after action reviews to learn how to prevent the same thing from happening to others.

How do you get up every morning?

I don't sleep very well, or often. It is not unusual for me to find myself staring at the alarm clock, waiting for it to go off. When it does go off, I pull myself out of bed and take inventory of the aches and pains throughout my body.

What is the best thing a friend has ever done for you?

My wife is my best friend and she has given me the world. I often find myself not being very optimistic with my life, career, abilities, and writing... But she supports and comforts me when I need it the most.

Have you ever failed? What did you learn from the experience?

I have failed more than I have succeeded throughout my life, to the point it surprises me when something ends well. I have learned that I need to keep trying until I get it right. As an example, my best friend is the second woman I married, and this time is for good.

What is the worst thing you have ever done for or to a friend?

I am not very good at reaching out to others in their time of need. I shut down and don't want to talk when I am hurting, so I often assume others would want the same. Usually they need somebody to be there for them and I am terrible at being that guy.

Given the chance, how would you travel the world, where, and why?

My wife and I travel extensively. This is usually aboard a cruise ship, sailing somewhere warm. This is the best way to experience multiple destinations while being treated like royalty. I want to sail the Greek islands and also do a transatlantic cruise.

What place has technology in your life?

It's the focal point of my existence and I would be lost without it. I am especially in love with apple products. I wrote my entire novel on my iPad, with one hand, as I rode the train to and from work.

If your life was a book, who would you like to write it?

Dr. Seuss, it would be colorful, rhyme, and always have a happy landing.

Please tell me about your novel. Who or what was your inspiration behind it?

My novel is titled "The Cain Children" and is about scientists discovering the gene in a human beings DNA that makes them susceptible to killing for enjoyment. As the book says, not everyone with the gene turns into a serial killer, but every killer has the gene.

I have often had a curiosity for what makes killers tick, what makes them do it. There are no real answers, so I thought about what if they were just born that way and the story came from there.

What are some of your favorite genres to read and to write?

I like to scare people, I like to shock people, and truth be told, I don't mind grossing people out a little bit either.

What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What was the biggest compliment? Did those change how or what you did in your next novel?

My debut novel is only a few weeks old and I haven't received any feedback other than from my family. That is really the hardest part for me, being just another unread book author. If I got bad reviews, at least I would know what to change and fix for next time, but just being ignored feels like a waste.

I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the gasps and noises that my wife made as she read through each chapter of my book. She really liked it, but I guess wives are supposed too.

When you sit down to write, do you do it the old-fashioned way with pen and paper or do you use a computer? Do you prefer one way or the other?

Everything I have written, my novel, several short stories, several novel beginnings, and every entry I made in "The Novelist" contest was actually written on my iPads... With one hand. Most of it was while commuting to and from work on the train, so I held the iPad in one hand and typed with the other. Extremely time consuming

What do you do when you are not writing? Do you pick up some from you to be read pile?

What very little time I have left over between working, family, house/yard work, and an occasional video game goes to reading or writing. Lately there has been more of the latter.

Compared to when you first started writing, have you notice any big changes in your writing style or how you write compared from then to now?

I appear to be getting better at making myself sound smarter and more put together than I really am. I often surprise myself because when I am not cussing like a sailor, I can hardly put together an actual grammatically correct sentence. I go back and read my work and think, wow, I wish I could always sound like that guy.

What do you look for in a book when you sit down to read for fun?

I really like the horror genre. I look for something new and different. Ways to kill that I have never read before. Or new and unique bad guys. As an example, I thought I had been there and done that with every conceivable type of zombie a person cold dream of, but then I started reading David Moody. A whole new way to look at zombies that I really enjoyed.

What has been your favorite part of being an author? What has been your least favorite?

Honestly my favorite part has been being in a position to strangle, stab, shoot, maim, and kill anyone in my fantasy world that I would like. I have been known to occasionally name a character/victim after someone that I don't really like.

My least favorite is not being able to do this full time. I could turn out much more, and finish much faster, if I didn't have a full time job getting in the way.

When you walk into a book store, where do you head to first? Why?

The bargain bin. I love picking up something new and interesting looking, but the price of new books, especially hard covers, are ridiculous. I would hate to drop 20 dollars on a book that can't keep me interested long enough to even finish it. I have several of those already.

Did you get to quit your day job and become an author or do you still have a day job and writing is something you do for fun? If you still have a day job, what is it?

I wish I could quit my full time job (I don't call them day jobs because a lot of what I do goes on at night). I really enjoy writing and it is one of the few places in my life that I can completely control. I get to play God, or flying spaghetti monster, depending on your beliefs.

I won't say to many specifics, but I am a Special Agent with a federal agency. I have been in the law enforcement field for over fifteen years.

What has been the strangest thing that a reader has asked you?

To have sex with her, but once again my number one fan is my wife.

What is your favorite junk food vice?

Taco Bell

Besides writing and reading, what is your most favorite thing to do?

I love to travel, more specifically, cruise the Caribbean aboard a Carnival Cruise Ship.

Did you have any teacher in school that encouraged you to write? Did you take their advice?

Yes and no. In the true sense of the question, not while I was younger and in school.

However, I spent a few years assigned to a middle school as a school resource officer and I was taking night college courses at the same time. I often would ask some of the teachers I worked with to go over a paper I wrote before I turned it in. I got a lot of positive feedback from them which meant so much to me. They were professionals.

We all have our little things when it comes to reading, is there anything that bugs you when you read a novel? What is it?

I hate it when I feel like I was cheated on the ending of a book. There are times that I really enjoy a story, but by the end I get the feeling that the author can't explain why things are the way that they are, so they go with the old cliche it was aliens thing. Stephen Kings The Dome anyone? I mean even The Simpsons movie did a better job of explaining that one.

What do you listen to when you write? Do you find one type of music over another that inspires you to write? Why?

I don't listen to music when I write, my ADHD would kick in and I would never get any writing done. Just the sound of the train rolling down the tracks is the soundtrack to my writings the majority of the time.

On a typical weekend, what can we find you doing? Who are you with?

Spending time with my daughters, my wife, my mother, my yard, my grocery store, or our friends. I don't often find free time anymore and unfortunately writing takes a backseat to life.

What genre are you most looking forward to exploring during your writing career? Why?

I would love to write a children's book. I would to write something that my daughters could actually read and something that they would enjoy and make them proud of their old man.

Who was your current novel dedicated to? Any particular reason?

My family as a whole, but more specifically my wife for her support, input, critique, and her unbelievable ability to put up with me.

What are you currently reading?

The David Moody Hater series. I am on the third volume of the three, "Them or Us"

Who are your favorite authors?

Stephen King is the absolute best. I will also occasionally step into the fantasy world with hobbits, or wizards from Hogwarts.

What authors inspired you to write this particular novel? Why?

I try to copy Kings style, but I often think to myself about whether or not he would enjoy reading what I wrote. He is so versatile and has written so many different genres and styles.

What 7 words would you use to describe yourself?

Humorous, fun, morbid, motivated, dedicated, loyal, and Merlin

Is there anything else that you would like to share or say to those who will read this interview?

I want people to enjoy what I have to offer. I am certainly not for everyone, but give me a chance before you decide. I only ask for one thing from my fans, an opportunity.

Which is your favorite character in your book and why?

Mike. He is the good guy in every sense of the word. He saves the girls life, catches the culprit, and then reads to her while she is in a coma.


The Cain Children 
by Brett Lane
Futuristic Thriller

Could you take a life? Maybe, but could you kill a child?

What if you knew that the child would grow up to be a monster and there was nothing you could do to stop it... Other than euthanasia. Could you, would you, kill a seemingly innocent person (child) to protect society in the future? Would you detest those that sentence a child to the death penalty before they have even committed a crime?

In the not so distant future, scientists stumbled upon a discovery. They learned to isolate and identify the gene in a child's DNA that makes them susceptible to killing for pleasure, to become a serial murderer. Not every child with the gene kills, but every serial killer has this gene, called the Cain gene after the first murderer in the bible.

There is no cure for the gene and since not every child with the gene kills, a new government agency called the guardians is created. They are instituted to monitor the children born with the genes and to take appropriate actions once the genes manifests itself and they prove to be killers.

Only carriers of this gene can pass it along to their children, so even those that don't kill, can sire children that may.

There is the dilemma, end the outbreak by possibly killing the innocent, or eliminate all carriers to end all possible murder in the future.

Follow this story of the Cain children as well as the scientists that monitor them while posing as their parents.

This book is not for the faint of heart as it contains descriptive accounts of murders, rape, and torture.

Book Excerpt:

Volume one. Jonathan Cain

- 1 -

Young Johnny came into the house after playing alone in the woods, as he was often known to do. He walked towards the kitchen to grab a drink and to see what his mom was making for dinner. The house was eerily quiet but both cars were in the driveway, so his parents had to be home.

As he turned the corner to the kitchen he could hear his mother's sobs and his father speaking in a low voice. The last thing he heard his father say was "he goes stage six," and his mother answered, "but..."

Before she said more, his father looked up, saw Johnny, and nodded in his direction. His mother, with her puffy, bloodshot eyes, looks over her shoulder at him. "Oh, Jonathan Cain, what did you do?"

Johnny didn't know what his mother was talking about, or better yet, he couldn't decide which thing she was talking about. She could be referring to any number of things, some of course were worse than others. He decided to go pull out the big guns just in case it was one of the latter.

His father left the room and Johnny walked towards his mother and was about to give her the puppy dog eyes that she could never resist. That always works.

He was almost at arms length from her when he was grabbed from behind. There was some type of cloth being held over his mouth and nose. Johnny’s head immediately started swimming and the back of his throat felt like it was on fire. The look in his mother's eyes was sheer horror, but not at whoever was attacking him. No, she seemed to be horrified of Johnny.

He heard his father whisper in his ear, "Goodbye, son," and the room was starting to grow darker. Johnny's hands that were grasping at that foul smelling cloth now weighed a ton and his arms dropped to his sides.

The last thing that Johnny saw in this world was his pet baby kitten. The kitten that he burned, skinned, broke, and tortured all while it was still breathing, before he finally brought it to its death. The kitten that he feigned being upset over it “running away” to his parents. The kitten whose body he kept in a shoe box because it sexually excited him to look at what he did to it. That box was laying on the table with the lid off. Then there was total blackness.

The following morning newspapers obituary section had Jonathan Cain's cause of death listed as a massive asthma attack exactly two months before his fourteenth birthday.


Friday 30 August 2013

Author Interview: Tori L. Ridgewood

About the Author:

After her first heartbreak, Tori found solace in two things: reading romance novels and listening to an after-dark radio program called Lovers and Other Strangers. Throughout the summer and fall of 1990, the new kid in town found reading fiction and writing her own short stories gave her a much needed creative outlet. Determined to become a published author, Tori amassed stacks of notebooks and boxes of filed-away stories, most only half-finished before another idea would overtake her and demand to be written down. Then, while on parental leave with her second baby, one story formed and refused to be packed away. Between teaching full-time, parenting, and life in general, it would take almost seven years before the first novel in her first trilogy would be completed. In the process, Tori finally found her stride as a writer.

At present, on her off-time, Tori not only enjoys reading, but also listening to an eclectic mix of music as she walks the family dog (Skittles), attempts to turn her thumb green, or makes needlework gifts for her friends and family members. She loves to travel, collect and make miniature furniture, and a good cup of tea during a thunderstorm or a blizzard. Under it all, she is always intrigued by history, the supernatural, vampire and shapeshifter mythology, romance, and other dangers.

Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

It’s a little bit of both. I start with an outline and a goal to achieve, but then along the way something happens in the plot or in a character’s development that takes me in a new direction. The end of Wind and Shadow did not happen at all the way I’d originally envisioned. I like knowing where I want to go, but I enjoy being surprised, especially if I end up blocked by something that isn’t working. Sometimes a change in my plan happens after a friend has read a draft and suggested that part of it needs improvement. But once I get past whatever is blocking me, the next section often comes quickly on its own.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

Oh, absolutely. They surprise me all the time. They’re quite real to me, both friend and foe.  

What is your favourite food?

I have a number of favourites, never able to settle on just one. It depends on the mood I’m in, and on the season. Tacos come to mind as being the top of my list -- great in summer and winter -- and Belgian waffles with whipped cream, berries, and syrup. Spaghetti and  meatballs are also up there, along with caesar salad. And of course, just about anything deep fried and covered in chocolate!

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I am most definitely a night owl. I love the comfort of the dark, when it’s quiet and there are few distractions, unless they’re sought out. If I’ve had a good sleep, I am capable of being a morning person, but I’d much rather stay in bed than get up with the dawn.  

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

I’ve seen parts of Canada, but never the whole things, so I’d like to visit the provinces I haven’t been to yet: BC, the Prairies, the Territories, and Newfoundland/Labrador. And there are a lot of places in the USA I’d like to go to: San Francisco, Mount St. Helens, New Orleans, and Gettysburg, where I had a brief visit as a teenager on a school trip.

After that, I’d love to travel the world, perhaps as a working vacation, teaching in various countries. I really want to tour the UK, viewing locations with paranormal histories, and see parts of France, Germany, and Portugal. (My family history includes Scottish and Germany ancestry, and my husband’s family can be traced back to Portugese fishermen who settled in Newfoundland.) I’m fascinated by historical and cultural locations, both relatively recent and ancient: catacombs, castles, battlefields, forts, etc.

But most especially, I really want to go to Hawaii with my mother, who went a few times with her own mother while growing up. I think that would be lovely, to develop the trip into a tradition we could continue with my own daughter.  

Do distant places feature in your books?

Not really, no. Thus far, I’ve only set my stories in places where I’ve lived or spent some time in visiting. I feel more confident in being able to clearly communicate the settings if I have a more thorough or intimate knowledge of the locations I’m including in the work.

Do you listen to music while writing?

Quite often, I do listen to music and end up developing a playlist of songs that seem to compliment the scenes or characters in focus at the time. But that only works if I’m alone -- I find that if my children are in the room, adding music to the mix creates too much background distraction. I’ve tried headphones, but it’s much easier to wait until the kids are in bed so the flow of song and work gets hit with fewer interruptions.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy, started as a vague idea in 2005, while I was on parental leave with my second child. I’ve always been a fan of vampire fiction, among others in the paranormal genre, and I also enjoy romance novels. So Wind and Shadow combines the two.

The story begins with a woman named Rayvin Woods returning to her home town after a decade of trying to build a life for herself. She’d been accused of attempted murder when she was just a teenager, and carries the additional burden of being able to do magick. Unfortunately, the timing of her arrival couldn’t be worse: Rayvin drives into town just as an imprisoned vampire breaks loose from the abandoned mine in which he’d been confined for the better part of a year. Rayvin quickly figures out what is going on, when animals and people start being attacked, but the only person who can help her is her high school crush, police officer Grant Michaels. And that’s only if she can get him to trust her, and believe her, in spite of her past.

The trilogy is almost complete, with the second book, Blood and Fire, due out in approximately six months and the third book in progress, although I’m not sure yet how it will end.  

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

I honestly didn’t expect the editing process to be so rigorous, or how difficult it can be at times to complete an entire book. I have a whole new respect for my favourite authors and the process of taking an idea through to the final product. While I still find that I feel better writing a book chronologically, I’m finding that writing scenes as they come also works.

Promotion is also much more time-consuming and challenging than I would have thought a few years ago, as is trying to balance writing with having a full-time day job and two children to raise, plus a relationship to keep strong.

But I’ve also discovered that there is a fabulous network of peers out there, offering support and ideas for just about any situation. I don’t think I would have been able to complete the stories I’ve done without my writer friends, and my supportive publishers.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I would set myself a firm writing schedule and sequester myself in a relatively quiet part of my house. I started participating in National Novel Writing Month in 2011, and that was a terrific experience in daily writing, but I burned myself out by the end. So I know I can write a novel in a period of one or two months, but the best results happen when I am able to focus on the writing as my main work.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

The authors who have influenced my style, structure, and tone, for this particular work, include Anne McKinley, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Stephenie Meyers, and Nora Roberts. I’ve also taken inspiration from various films: “The Lost Boys”, “30 Days of Night”, “John Carpenter’s Vampires”, “Underworld”, and the tv series “Being Human” (BBC version), “Lost Girl”, and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. In fact, during the process of writing the first and second books of my trilogy, I rather felt like I was writing an homage to my favourite paranormal and romance fiction.  

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

Don’t give up, and don’t underestimate the power of the short story as a method of honing your skills. Write what your heart wants you to write. Be true to your voice. If you love what you’re writing, chances are that others will, too.

What are three words that describe you?

Passionate, generous, weird.

What's your favourite book or who is your favourite writer?

It’s so hard to narrow it down when there are so many...but usually, the book that I think of immediately is Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I love the romance and language used by Montgomery, and I’d love to write a book that might compliment hers in some way.  

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book

Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy

Rayvin Woods, photographer and natural witch. She just wanted to start her life over again after a series of misadventures. She didn't count on rekindling a lost love when she came home to Talbot...or battling a malevolent vampire and his coven for her life.

Grant Michaels, police officer. He thought Rayvin was a murderer. He will do whatever it takes to protect the community he loves from danger...but will he learn to trust his heart, and the word of a witch, before it's too late?

Malcolm de Sade, cunning vampire, imprisoned underground for a year by Charlotte Fanning and Pike Mahonen ("Mist and Midnight", Midnight Thirsts). His accidental release unleashes his hunger and ambition on a small, sleepy town...

 List of previous books if any


“Mist and Midnight” in Midnight Thirsts (Melange Books)
“Telltale Signs” in Spellbound 2011 (Melange Books)


“A Living Specimen” in Midnight Thirsts II (Melange Books)
“Brain Games” and “Bio-Zombie” in A Quick Bite of Flesh: An Anthology of Zombie Flash Fiction (Hazardous Press)              
“Thy Will Be Done” in Dark Eclipse Issue No. 16 (Dark Moon Books) “Tabitha’s Solution” in Having My Baby (Melange Books)
“My dearest Father Christmas” in Dear Santa (May December Publications)


Wind and Shadow: Book One of the Talbot Trilogy (Melange Books)
Any websites/places readers can find you on the web.

Twitter: @torilridgewood
Manic Readers:

Book Spotlight: Origins by S.E. Meyer

by S. E. Meyer
Publication Date: April 17Th, 2013
Genre(s): Sci-Fi / Thriller / Metaphysical & Visionary
Available from amazon
Book Description:

John Mitchell's life in the small Midwestern town of Mill City Wisconsin is about to change forever. The animals in his lab at the Neuro Science Research center suddenly die, he learns gut wrenching news about his wife of ten years and the most important meeting of his career gets canceled when his boss mysteriously disappears.

After accidentally injecting himself with a serum made from the instructions scribed on a seven-thousand-year-old artifact John discovers he has new abilities and new blood-chilling enemies. He and his wife Jenny are soon running for their lives from the terrifying figures that will stop at nothing to protect the serum’s seven-thousand-year-old secret and retrieve the artifact needed to finish their plans.

On the run and searching for answers they are thrown into a world of ancient secrets, esoteric mysteries and a clandestine underground race when they become trapped in a cavern deep under the ruins of ancient Babylon. As millions of people around the world suddenly begin disappearing they learn the horrific news of the inevitable extinction of the Human Race.

But when John discovers the hideously evil secret motivation of the ancient race that is supposed to be saving them he must rely on his new-found abilities to save the woman he loves, Earth and the billions of tortured souls locked deep within it.

Article on the book at Volume One


Thursday 29 August 2013

Promo Blitz: John Smith by Roland Hughes

John Smith - PROMO Blitz
By Roland Hughes

Dystopian / Sy Fy
Date Published: 5/3/2013

What if the Mayans got the start of the end correct because they had survived it once before? What if our written history was just as accurate as the old tale about three blind men describing an elephant? What if classic science fiction writing and television shows each got a piece of it correct, would you know which ones? If your eyes can only see a tiny portion of a collage do you know it is a collage?

Fans of Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG, Battle Star Galactica (the new one) and classic science fiction writing will enjoy the bountiful Easter Egg hunt contained within. When you were a child you learned to connect paper clips or thread beads together to make a necklace. Sit back and watch the beads you’ve had all your life form the picture you could not see. Consider for one second the possibility of the story, then hang onto your mind with both hands while you take the ride.

Roland Hughes

Author Bio:

Roland Hughes is the president of Logikal Solutions, a business applications consulting firm specializing in VMS platforms. Hughes serves as a lead consultant with over two decades of experience using computers and operating systems originally created by Digital Equipment Corporation (now owned by Hewlett-Packard).

With a degree in Computer Information Systems, the author's experience is focused on OpenVMS systems across a variety of diverse industries including heavy equipment manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, stock exchanges, tax accounting, and hardware value-added resellers, to name a few. Working throughout these industries has strengthened the author's unique skill set and given him a broad perspective on the role and value of OpenVMS in industry.

Mr. Hughes' technical skill sets include the following tools that enable him to master and improve OpenVMS applications: DEC/VAXC, DEC/VAX C++, DEC BASIC, DCL, ACMS, MQ Series, DEC COBOL, RDB, POWERHOUSE, SQL, CMS/MMS, Oracle 8i, FORTRAN, FMS, and Java, among others. Being fluent in so many technical languages enables Hughes to share his knowledge more easily with other programmers. 

To read Roland's non-fiction books, please visit

To read Roland's blog, please visit

This Promo is brought to you by Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Book Spotlight & Giveaway: Little Red by Trista Jaszczak

Little Red
Believe Series, Book One
Trista Jaszczak
Genre: romance/fantasy
Publisher: Front Porch Romance
eBook released June 18, 2013 and paperback fall 2013
Word Count: 62,921
Cover Artist: Charisma Knight: Designs by Charisma
Book Trailer:
Amazon  |  Goodreads |  ARe  | Publisher


Follow Sam Wentworth through the winding back roads of Louisiana, on a desperate escape from her past, where she falls into the arms of the unlikely and sometimes unwilling hero, Ethan Parker.

When circumstances and fate seal the two together, entangling them with his six older brothers, Sam finds her life changing in ways that she never imagined. Filled with feuding families and a little old bayou magic, can Ethan put aside everything he has ever known to keep Sam safe from the dangers that their lives and their love possess.

Chapter One

This is it. This has to be it! My entire life has been spent with someone holding me back. Always holding my life in their hands and controlling my every move. Not now, not anymore. I’m taking my life in my own hands. This is my new beginning, my long awaited, well-deserved fresh start. I kick back a little more on the throttle of my motorcycle as the wind whips into my helmet and leather jacket. It’s not quite the January weather I’m used to. The weather is milder and the wind is much warmer down here in Louisiana. It’s nice and kind of comforting. My surroundings have completely changed. I’m miles away from Kentucky. I take a quick peek around. The road has been quiet for a few hours. It’s nearing dark. This also means I risk bigger animals coming out. Surely, they have deer down here in Louisiana. I’ll have to find a place to lay my head anyways.

I’ve been riding for hours. It becomes uncomfortable on a motorcycle and I have to be nearing the end of this tank of gas. Not to mention, my ass just so happens to be killing me. I peer at a few road signs and see the few upcoming towns, nothing more than a local diner or two and a handful of gas stations. Not even your typical cheap motel. I really am in the middle of nowhere. The tent in my saddlebags will certainly come in handy tonight. At least, it’ll do until morning. Another 20 miles until the next town, that doesn’t seem bad if I keep my 75 mile an hour pace. I relax and begin to look forward to a peaceful night’s sleep. Until the loud sputtering from my motorcycle jolts me back to full awareness.

“Son-of-a-bitch!” I cry out from underneath my helmet. I’d misjudged my mileage and with no gas gauge, I had no way of telling when I’d run out of gas. I’m luckily able to roll my bike to a slow and steady stop off on the shoulder of the road. I shake my head, wanting to give myself a good hard kick for not being more careful. I glance around as I hop off. Figures, I am surrounded by nothing but woods and my guess, swamps and nearly 20 miles away from any town. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said I would make use of the tent in my saddlebags. I let out an exasperated sigh as I undo the chinstrap to my helmet, yanking it off my head and let my hair fall around my shoulders. I bite down on my lip and contemplate. I can’t leave my bike here on the side of the road. I can’t walk 20 miles and back just for gas with it already so dark either. I have no choice. I’ll walk my bike into the woods and set up camp. People do this all the time, right? No big deal. It’s not like the big bad wolf will jump out and get me. I peer into the woods.

Darkness has already fallen over the trees. They stand quiet and still as even the animals, it seems, have all gone quiet for the night. I laugh off the thought of the big bad wolf. I guess it’s alligators I have to watch fordown here. Or, is it crocodiles? I shiver, put on a brave face and straddle my bike once more. It’ll take all my strength to waddle it down the ditch and into the woods over the uneven terrain. I figure a short way off the side of the road and into the woods and I should be fine. Enough to be out of the line of traffic but not enough to get myself terribly lost. As I wiggle the bike down the small slope I begin to exert myself on the flat but rough terrain as I push the bike forward, throwing my petite body into it as much as I can. I grunt as I give one more strong push forward. The bike lurches along slowly as my helmet clangs against the already scratched black paint. I groan, aggravated with myself more than ever for letting the gas tank get bone dry.

“What in the hell are you doing?” I stop dead in my tracks. I hadn’t heard a single footstep, not even a twig. I swallow hard and throw myself off the bike, flipping out the kickstand as I do. I turn slowly to see a rugged looking man staring hard at me. His dark washed jeans are splattered with dirt and debris at the bottom, suggesting that he has been romping in the woods beyond. His heavy boots are caked in a layer of thick mud that’s starting to dry in certain spots. He places his hands on his hips, making his leather jacket open to display a well-fitted tee shirt that I can see defined chest muscles, visible even under the moonlight. His gray eyes shine and shimmer under the light of the full moon as they glare at me in an almost threatening way. No, not threatening. Warning me of something and somehow worried. His brown hair is styled fairly nice, which is surprising considering the 5 o’clock shadow on his face. He’s much larger than me. Well, almost everyone is larger than me, but he must be over 6 foot tall. Huge compared to my tiny 5’5” frame.

“You shouldn’t be out here alone.”


About the Author:

Trista Jaszczak (pronounced Jazz-ick) is a writer, military spouse and a mother. She is originally from Hamilton, Ohio but calls home where ever the military sends her and her family, which is currently Anchorage, Alaska. She has a great love for writing, the outdoors, fitness, guitar and the arts.

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Author Interview: Alton Taylor

About the Author:

Alton Taylor is a lead art director and a freelance illustrator/cartoonist from Queens, New York. He does a lot for artwork for independent publisher Flowered Concrete. The Serpent Samurai is his first graphic novel.

Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

The way how I approached writting this piece was thatIwrote a short basic synopsis of how the whole story was going to be about. and then fill-in the details of the scenes and plots in with which characters were going to do what in the specific scene of the book. When I begin the writing process like THAT, then that's when the flow kicks in.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story? 

I would say yes in a sense that even though it is a short story the main character, Kurai, he's a character thats dealing with a lot of pain but you can't see it because he's consumed with a dark curse that's slowly turning him into a dark figure and theres a purpose to why he's dealing with the curse for the sake of saving someone. Hopefully that answered this question.

What is your favourite food?

Anything that just taste good.Idont limit myself to anything in food.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I'm deffinitely a nite owl but you really have to look at insomnia, when you are alive in the mid-nights you literally are living in between the morning and night all at once. The clock just makes it different because of a.m. and p.m.

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

Japan. it's just a beautiful country and yet so strong and full with humble because of it's ancient roots.

Do distant places feature in your books?

Well for this being my first, it is set in a distant ancient land with fantasy elements as well. But for my other planned books I will take folks to realms of imaginative force. And also real world, urban architecture too.

Do you listen to music while writing?

Sometimes but it gives me a slow process when writing so I just keep a silent enviorment around me.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Again, the Serpent Samurai is set in ancient feudal Japan in where a brave samurai warrior named Kurai is a proud yet very pride-ish warrior and because of a failed attack at an an enemy, he loses his honor and gets it back but with a price and loses a loved one in the process. And so what are the actions he's willing to take to bring that person back into his life? It's a short 33 page story presented as a children's book but for mature readers of ages 16 and up. There is a vocabulary section and insight into the i-ching as well. Ican surely say people will admire the artwork.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

Still learning haha but me and my partner are about to embark on allot of footwork to get our names out there and its going to be a difficulty yet embracing journey in terms of promotion and grabbing an audience that's willing to go for a ride with us in our works.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I can't say what exactly for the moment since the book has been released back in late april. So now I'm waiting to see what people have to say. but my close friends who have read it in preview sections that I posted on facebook, they are really impressed with what I came up with and so now I hope the people have that same positive crtique.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

Bruce Timm, Darwyn Cooke, David Fincher, the Hughes Brothers, HEALTH (band), music, pop-culture, cult pop-culture, the nightlife.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

Perserverence and a strong drive will get you somewhere. Keep going.

What are three words that describe you?

Punctual, loyal, sensualist.

What's your favourite book or who is your favourite writer?

Jack Gantos and Hector Quinonez.

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book

Feudal Japan.

Fallen Warrior.

Powers of the Damned. 

A tale of Vengeance ....

Any websites/places readers can find you on the web.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Book Spotlight: Breaking the Storm by Sedona Venez

Breaking the Storm
Credence Curse, Book One
Sedona Venez
Genre: New Adult/Adult Paranormal Romance
Publisher: One Wish Publishing
Date of Publication: August 6, 2013
Add it to your Goodreads To-Read List

Book Description:


Stormy Credence was destined to succumb to the Credence family curse—they all did.


When Stormy meets sexy band front man Knox Gunner, there’s no denying him. Willing to take a chance on love, Stormy breaks the most important Credence rule, no relationships—ever—a mistake that results in heartbreaking devastation.


Stormy is put to the test one more time, when the one man that she never wanted to see again—‘Rock Star’ Knox Gunner comes blowing back into her life—back to claim what’s his—Stormy. This time he will stop at nothing to prove that she belongs to him in every sense of the word…


About the Author:

Sedona Venez writes New Adult and Adult fiction novels inspired by her love of music, tattoos and sexy musicians.Sedona can be found online in all the usual haunts:

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Book Spotlight: Evil and Desire by Jerome Brooke

Evil and Desire
The Histories of the Women of Darkness
by Jerome Brooke
Available from amazon


The wise women circled the fire. Skyclad, they were chilled by the night air. One of their number, her dark hair turning white, drew close to the young knight. "Welcome, Sir Knight. What do you seek?"

The Empire of the Moon is a collection of the Histories of the Women of Darkness. The Prince of the Isles enters the circle of the Wise Women of the Goddess of the Moon. They promise him power, wealth and renown. They also call the goddess to come to his side.To her his soul is lost.

Thus it was in the days of the sword.

This collection of Histories include Empire of the Moon - Voice of Astarte, Oracle of the Coast - and Recumbent Stone.


“Prince of the Isles, we welcome you. If you ask that we cast a spell gainst an enemy, speak forth,” said the wise woman. The women stood in a circle round the fire. The flames cast shadows among the trees, as the skyclad women circled the flames.

“We offer charms to men who seek love, My Lord,” said a woman with dark hair, her face lined with her years.

“If you seek potions to bring gold, these we can decant.” said a young woman, with red hair.

“You are women wise in the dark arts. You are known in all corners of the realm,” I replied. “Know that I am a Prince, with lands rich in gold.”

“Do you seek victory in war?” asked a woman of the Cannibal Isles, a woman dark of skin.

“I shall make wars and seek glory. However, I shall trust to the valor of my knights to win victory.”

“Do you seek a woman fair of face? We can cast a spell to call any woman to your side,” said the witch with hair the color of flame. The woman boldly placed her hands on her hips, her green eyes flashing a challenge. She was most tempting, with the red hair of her triangle matching that of her head.

“Divers lovers have I. Yet you are fair, and I would go with you to your hut this night. I shall risk your dark powers, as well as the wiles of a woman fair,” I replied.

“Do you come to us this night to discover the future? Do you seek to learn the fate of kings, and the rise of distant realms?” asked a tall woman with hair black as the wing of the raven.

“All of that will duly unfold,” I pronounced. “I will await the years as they come.”

“Do you ask that we call the souls of kings long dead, to visit this world? Do you desire with them to converse?” asked a woman with tawny hair and eyes of violet. She came close to me before the fire, at the center of the circle of these wills. The shameless witch took my hand, and placed it on her heavy breast. The woman laughed to see my hunger and thirst – then returned to the circle.

“Do you desire that we call to this realm the Goddess of the Moon? She might mark you to win great renown, and grant to you long life, victory, and wisdom,” said another of the women. The woman, tall and fair of face, came to me, and touched my cheek.

“You offer great power, and this would be a boon that any prince would seek,” I replied. “Call then the Goddess, that we may presently know her will.”

“We shall call the Goddess of the Sky, as you do entreat. We ask of you that you do restore our circle of stones that lies upon the plain. Raise the stones that have toppled through neglect. You must also come to us each year at the midwinter solstice. Do not heed the pleas of the priests of the new prophet, but come and join our dance. Lie with us, and give us pleasure, as did your fathers long ago,” said the wise woman, with eyes of green.

“Verily, all this I will do.”

“Behold!” said the witch.

The witches each in turn cast into the flames a handful of a blue powder - causing the flames to turn first to blue, then green, and many other mystic hues. The witches round me did gather. They each wantonly embraced me, and gave unto me a kiss. I was warmed by the touch of their naked bodies for an instant, and enflamed by desire.

In the distance I saw a flash of light, followed by a thunderclap. The gale grew strong, and chill. From the dark forest strode a woman, dressed in a robe of white. She wore a glowing tiara of silver. Boldly she came to me, touched my cheek and gave me a kiss. The women of the sisterhood drew back.

“You are fair of face, Prince of the Isles. Verily, even the Immortals know of your wars of conquest. Long have I been alone in my realm among the stars. Come, lie with me this night. I will bear to you a son, a demigod. Come, now,” said the goddess fair.

I boldly took the arm of the Lady. “You are immortal, Lady. Yet even a woman of heaven is only a woman when she lies with her lover. We shall foster a line of divine kings to rule a mighty empire, if that be your will,” I did say unto her.

The goddess led me from the forest, where her chariot did await. She bid me take the reins of the fiery steeds, and we did soar into the upper realms. Thus did begin my many wars of empire and conquest. To distant lands I led my knights. Many lands we did plunder and many were the realms that I came to rule. At my side, in latter years, rode my son, of whom the bards did sing.

Monday 26 August 2013

Book Spotlight: Scarred Love by M.S. Brannon

Scarred Love
by M.S. Brannon
New Adult/Romance
Date Published: 6/6/2013
amazon paperback | amazon kindle | bn


Darcie Claiborne spent several years of her young life living with a monster, always fearing what he would do next. Clasping onto her last ounce of hope, Darcie releases a scream. It’s her final attempt to live; to survive the villain of her reality. Sweeping her up in his arms, Darcie’s knight in shining armor rescues her from the hell she’s been living; from the stepfather she's feared for all those years.

Reggie Evans has been forced to grow up before he’s ready when his mother dies of an overdose, leaving him responsible to raise his younger brothers. One fateful night, Reggie jogs by an old, run down house and discovers a young girl clinging to life as she screams for help.

Three years later, Darcie is healing and always protected by the man who saved her, but now she's fighting with something she isn't prepared to face. The growing love for the man who saved her life three years ago, the same man who’s nine years older. All the while, Reggie fights to protect Darcie from the demons of her past and new ones of her present.

Darcie ~ Age 12

“Darcie, your stepfather does these things because you refuse to listen to anything I tell you,” my mom says while swallowing a handful of pills with her glass of red wine. “Just stay out of his way, be in your room when he’s home and it will give him less of a reason to punish you.”

I’ve been putting up with Robert’s punishments for eight years and I’ve come to the conclusion that I will never escape them until I leave. My mom takes pills and drinks from her bottle of wine several times a day. When she’s not drinking or downing pills, she’s sleeping.

I despise my mother. She’s weak and I fucking hate her.

She tells me I deserve punishments and she’s probably right, but what she’s neglected to tell me is why she allows him to do it. I barely remember what our life was like before Robert Stein, but I know it was never this horrible. We managed to have fun and I never lived in fear. Why did she let Robert change her? Isn’t a mother supposed to protect their child? Once a child is born, isn’t their mother expected to possess this sixth sense, that same kind of sense that can allow women to lift cars off their children? My thoughts fade as soon as she squeezes the ointment on her finger and rubs it onto the fresh cigar burns on my back and thighs. Robert never gave me a reason why he did it other than he couldn’t find his ashtray.


About the Author:

M.S. Brannon was born and raised in the Midwest. She still resides there today with her wonderful husband and son. When she is not writing or reading, M.S. Brannon spends time with her family, watching movies, and discovering new music. She writes romance because she believes love and heartache is the rawest emotion one can experience.

Twitter: @MSBrannonAuthor

Sunday 25 August 2013

Book Spotlight: Shadow of the Revenaunt Rhidauna by Paul E. Horsman

by Paul E Horsman
Book 1 of Revenaunt Series
Epic Fantasy Adventure
Date Published: 7/6/2013
Available from: amazon | smashwords

The night before his Coming-of-Age, Ghyll and his two friends escaped their castle on a clandestine hunt that would forever change their lives.

They returned just in time to see their island castle destroyed by strange warriors from a dragonboat and flocks of burning birds.

Ghyll’s birthday turned into a nightmare as they fled into the night.

This begins an epic journey to find out who is trying to kill them... and most importantly, why?

Fortunately, they can count on colorful new friends to assist, including a sometimes overly enthusiastic fire mage, an inexperienced paladin and a female beastmaster who is a ferocious mountain lion.

In a world filled with jealous priests, corrupt magistrates, bored aristocrats and power-hungry magicians, they try to survive dark wizards, murderous golems, and fire bird attacks.It soon becomes apparent that not one but several assassins are after them. Who are these members of an obscure, long-forgotten organization?And whose cold hand reaches across the boundaries of space and time to threaten weakened Rhidauna?

While the time is running the friends undertake a quest that leads them through a large part of Rhidauna. Following them, the reader is carried along on an exciting journey through a colorful world, whose people, culture and atmosphere are described with great attention to detail without the story losing momentum.


After an hour or two, they came to a ruined castle, overgrown with ivy, with a round tower of which only the lower part was still intact.

Ghyll decided it was time for a halt. He liked the location of the old ruins, at the forest’s edge, with a beautiful view over the river. A pleasant place for a hunting lodge, he thought. Not as dull as Tinnurad. He bit his lip; this was something he had thought often enough before, but now it made him feel ashamed.

Along the side of the ruins lay a lawn, large enough for the horses. Ghyll thought to see a glimmer of sunlight on water, so they could drink. An ideal place for a pause, but Ulanth didn’t agree.

‘What is it, boy?’ said Ghyll. His warhorse snorted and laid his ears flat against his neck. At first, he refused to put a foot on the lawn and when he did, he was tenser than Ghyll had ever seen him. Surprised, he looked around him, but he saw nothing wrong. Even the other horses showed no signs of distress. He shrugged and slid from the saddle. ‘You are seeing ghosts, boy,’ he told Ulanth. ‘There’s nothing amiss.’ The warhorse threw back his head and snorted.

‘Quiet!’ said Ghyll with a laugh. ‘Behave yourself.’ Then he joined the others in the shade of an old hawthorn.

Just as he sat down, Ulanth screamed.

Alarmed, Ghyll turned on his heels. The curse on his lips evaporated at the sight of six black figures running at them from the castle tower. He sprang to his feet, caught his toes on a gnarled hawthorn root and tumbled sideways into the grass. At that same moment, a bolt of lightning shot past him and exploded on the spot where he had just been sitting.

Brandishing his sword, Ghyll wanted to run to the castle, but Bo’s hasty ‘Wait!’ froze him in mid-step. The young mage took a dramatic pose, with his arms outstretched to the sky. Between his spread fingers sparks flashed back and forth. A large ball of fire shot away from Bo’s hands, bounced once and then rolled like a comet toward the ruins, leaving a black tail of scorched grass. Ghyll heard how inside the tower a cry of fear drowned in an explosion. He looked around at his foster brother. Olle stood legs apart, hacking at a golem with his great sword. As always, Ghyll was struck by the brute force that radiated from Olle, a power he knew he would never be able to match. It was clear the golem could not, either, for it defended itself like a novice. Was the makeman so unskilled in single combat, or would it be the death of the golem master? Before Ghyll could think this idea through, he sensed movement in the corner of his eye and spun around. Just in time, he managed to hit an opponent hard under the chin with the pommel of his sword. The golem stumbled backward, giving Ghyll time. With a quick overhand swing, the young man brought his sword down on the crystal in the golem’s head. The monster fell to the ground like a bag of mud. Panting, Ghyll looked around. He heard Olle shouting his maniacal ‘Ayooo!’ His foster brother had finished off two opponents already and was busy on his third.

Bo attacked a fourth with his spells, but like those in Tinnurad, this golem was indifferent to fire. With terrifying slowness, he came towards the mage, a long dagger in each hand. Ghyll saw Damion run towards them, armed with nothing but his hunting knife. Damion, who was no warrior and forced to watch while his comrades fought. Crazy brave, thought Ghyll, but he would be too late. The golem had come to within four feet of Bo. The young mage seemed to realize that his magic was useless. His aristocratic face contorted, his fists clenched in a futile gesture of defiance. The creature pulled back an elbow to strike and Ghyll gasped.

From somewhere, the sound of a snarling cat broke the tension and a silver-gray mountain lion pounded into the golem. Sharp claws tore the skin of the makeman open and the ooze splashed around, while the golem fell backwards under the weight of the cat. The mountain lion looked at Ghyll. Eyes the color of honey, the young man thought. Does it want to tell me something?

With a faint growl, the cat turned and ran across the lawn to finish off the next golem. At the same time, Olle relieved the last makeman of his head and with that the battle was over.

Ghyll walked to Bo, on his knees beside the fallen golem. The mage was giggling, with tears running down his face. ‘Stop it,’ said Ghyll and gripped Bo’s shoulders. The young mage hiccupped and turned his tearstained face towards Ghyll. ‘Pardon,’ he said weakly. ‘It was the shock.’

Ghyll nodded and let him go. ‘I know,’ he said a bit awkwardly.

Bo wiped his face and tried with his trembling fingers to get his hair back in place. ‘Thanks. I’m all right now.’

Ghyll looked around over the unexpected battlefield. So that’s what we’ve been training for all these years. He rubbed his hands over his face and found to his surprise that they trembled. I wasn’t scared. He grinned.

Damion came to him, his face contrite. ‘My father would kill me. All those wasted fighting lessons he gave me, nothing stuck! I could only watch.’

Ghyll squeezed his shoulder. ‘I saw you running for Bo,’ he said. ‘That was very brave of you.’

The youth blinked. ‘I had to do something.’

Then both looked at the mountain lion, which stood at ease in the middle of the lawn. The animal stretched and yawned. Its yellow eyes stared at Ghyll. Its tail swung back and forth as it took a step toward him. Without thought, the young man stepped back. The sleek look of the cat inspired him with more fear than all the golems together. His hand went to his sword.

At that moment, the animal faded.  Ghyll’s mouth fell open when instead of the mountain lion a girl appeared, in the most exorbitant clothes that he had ever seen. She wore a high-necked charcoal gray gown adorned with all kinds of necklaces and amulets. Her face she’d painted white; her lips were painted black and her eyebrows were two thin lines running high. She had shaven her dark hair at the temples, except for two braids. On the top of her head, a silver hairpin held it backwards, covered by the welter of black feathers she wore as a veil to her shoulders. She was young, thought Ghyll, and not so tall. But whether she was pretty or plain, slim or plump, he could not say. She regarded the company with obvious reluctance and Ghyll got the curious feeling that she avoided his gaze.

‘I told you it wasn’t a real mountain lion,’ said Damion triumphantly.

‘Sure I was real,’ snapped the girl. ‘Shall I show you the strength of my claws?’

‘Nonsense,’ said Damion stubbornly. ‘If you’d been a real mountain lion, I would’ve heard you.’

‘What?’ The girl’s voice became shrill. ‘You think you’re a beastmaster, huh?’

Damion shrugged. ‘I don’t know what a beastmaster is, but I do know that I can hear animals.’

‘Ho, ho,’ said Ghyll. ‘Don’t fight. Thank you for helping us,’ he told the girl. ‘You have saved Bo’s life.’

The young mage watched with an expression on his face as if he would rather have died. ‘A wikke,’ he spat.

‘A wikke,’ said the girl. ‘I’d rather have seen the golem cut you into slices than have to save you, temple slave. But I’ve got my orders.’

‘Hush,’ said Ghyll, giving Bo a stern look. ‘She’s helped us.’ He held out his hand. ‘I am Ghyll Denhalf.’

With some hesitation, the girl shook hands with him. She looks guilty, thought Ghyll. Why?

‘I’m Uwella,’ said the girl. ‘A wikke of the Gray Order.’ At that moment, Olle appeared from the half-collapsed tower. When the girl saw him, she grimaced and her hand went to the high lace collar around her neck.

Olle looked at the wikke with raised eyebrows. ‘Who is she?’

‘The mountain lion,’ smiled Ghyll. ‘Meet the wikke Uwella.’

Olle shook his head. ‘You can explain in a moment.’ He gestured toward the tower. ‘The golem master is dead. I wouldn’t look if I were you. Bo’s fireballs are quite effective; they roasted that scoundrel alive. Here,’ he threw Ghyll a long chain with a dark crystal. ‘That’s the only recognizable thing left.’

‘Was it Vasthul?’ asked Ghyll, slipping the chain into his saddlebag.

Olle shook his head. ‘No, it wasn’t. This fellow was much taller than that brown cloak. His face was, um... not quite in good shape, but he seemed younger, too. ‘

The fire mage walked to the ruins, but returned in minutes, even paler than before and his eyes wide with horror. ‘Olle was right.’ He grabbed Ghyll’s arm as if he sought support. ‘I’ve never done this to a real opponent. I had no idea...’ He swallowed. ‘It looks quite different in the practice halls.’

Ghyll nodded. He suddenly realized that the golem master had tried to kill him, and it was like a kick in the face. ‘I think it’s better to go on tomorrow,’ he said, while a shiver ran through his body.

‘All right. Not inside the tower, that sorcerer’s bad company. A night out in the open won’t hurt us.’ Olle looked around the field. ‘Under the tree.’ He looked from Uwella to Ghyll. ‘And we need to talk.’


About the Author:

Paul E. Horsman Lives in Roosendaal, The Netherlands.

I was born in Bussum, The Netherlands, in the year 1952.

After many years in business, I ended up in 1995 in education. My school was specialized in Dutch language and integration courses for foreigners. Unhappily, due to changed legislation this beautiful work stopped in mid-2012. My age, five years from retirement, makes it nigh on impossible to find something else, so now I am building up a career as an independent author.

SF and Fantasy have fascinated me since my high school days, but apart from some juvenile trash, I never seriously tried to write anything.

It was in 2007, I took the first steps in what is now the fantasy kingdom of Rhidauna. After several false starts and associated discouraged intervals, a spark began to grow and mid-2010, the first two parts of Shadow of the Revenaunt were more or less written.

With the Revenaunt-series, I had in mind something in the way of days gone by. A heroic tale with sympathetic protagonists and black villains, in which good always triumphs in the end. Something to counterbalance the modern gritty style.

In 2012 the first book, Rhidauna, was traditionally published in The Netherlands. The second book, Zihaen, followed in March 2013 and book three, Ordelanden, is scheduled for September in NL. Now I’m selfpublishing the international edition, well-translated and edited. The English version of Rhidauna appeared in July. Zihaen is being edited for later this year.

Next to the Revenaunt-series, I’m writing The Shardheld Saga, a trilogy, of which the first, Shardfall, appeared on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, etc, in May 2013. The second book, Runemaster, is being edited and scheduled for September.

Twitter: @Graylorne

Saturday 24 August 2013

Guest Post: Dark Night of the Soul by E.M. Havens

Dark Night of the Soul
by E.M. Havens
Fantasy/Visionary Fiction
Date to be Published: 7/1/2013
Available from amazon


What comes after life? Jayden Schroeder is about to find out. At the end of the road of despair, she ends it all and finds out that living might not have been so bad.  Thrust into a strange and disparate world, Jayden joins a team of warriors from all places and time. Together they battle demons to save the souls of the living, all the while on the run from the end of all things - The Judgment.

Will she fight for a second chance to spare those she loves? Or surrender?

Dark Night of the Soul is a fantastical journey, both literally and figuratively for Jayden’s soul. Action adventure, fantasy, romance, and dark humor twist together to create an afterlife tale that will keep you thinking long after the final chapter.

About the Author:

Who is E.M. Havens? I’m a lot of things. The word that seems to define me most at the moment is mom. It can be all consuming. Not only am I a mom of three (one of them is a teenager…pity me), but I also home-school (pity me more). I share this awesome responsibility with the love of my life, best friend, and soul-mate husband.

Add to that, the twenty-five chickens, twelve turkeys, ten guineas, nine pigs, three barn cats, two Great Pyrenees guardian dogs, a Chihuahua, a house cat, and a goose, it makes for one crazy, full, and certainly entertaining life.

Somewhere in there I find the time to write.  I started out young writing poems, then moved on to songs. I actually have a Bachelor in Music with a secondary in Science because I can’t stand English. Yes, the writer hates English.  I like to read the story for the experience of reading the story, not to nitpick each letter and comma. But I digress.

I eventually found blogging and really enjoyed sharing my life that way. When an unfortunate turn of events separated me from my music equipment, I decided to use my overactive imagination, my love of reading, and my new found hobby, prose writing, to release some of my creative energy.  I wrote my first novel and loved the experience. Fate War: Alliance is actually the second novel I wrote and the first to be published.  Now I’m working on my third and several sequels to Fate War!

So that’s pretty much me, sitting in the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma, reading, writing, collecting eggs from the coop, and being a schoolmarm. It’s a pretty great life.

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Guest Post: Visionary Fiction
by E.M. Havens

I have to admit, I didn’t even know the visionary genre of writing existed before I finished writing “Dark Night of the soul”. I started trying to decide what category it fit into, and I just couldn’t figure it out. I mean, there are demons and supernatural powers, but it’s not really fantasy. Not in a Lord of the Rings sense.  It’s also not horror. I’m not really fond of blood, guts, and fear. However, there are all three in the story, it’s just not the focus.

As I looked through each genre on Amazon, I continually skipped over visionary/metaphysical. It just seemed so…well…weird.  I mean, have youseen the metaphysics book commercial? I even vaguely wondered how that would even fit into science fiction/fantasy. And what kind of pompous fool would I be to tout my book as visionary!

Then someone suggested that my book was visionary. Out of curiosity, I clicked on the Metaphysical/Visionary Amazon Best Sellers. I was shocked to see “Cloud Atlas” in the top. I LOVED that movie! (haven’t read the book yet)  I generally have not seen a movie in a very long time that held my interest, but “Cloud Atlas” did. My wheels started spinning. I thought that maybe I just did not understand what metaphysical/visionary literature was about.

Now, I may not still have it exactly right, but this is what I have discovered. Metaphysical fiction is set in the real world. Some part of the story is fantastical in the respect that people (or events) have metaphysical powers. (channeling, healing, telepathy, astral projection, etc. ).

Similarly, visionary fiction is grounded in the real world with fantastical happenings and characters. However, the story is meant as a catalyst for the reader to ask and/or answer a spiritual question. In “Dark Night of the Soul”, that question is whether suicide is right or wrong. I will guarantee you there is no answer to this question in the book. But the question is looked at from many facets while the main character travels the strange land she’s found herself in.

Visionary fiction may take place in the afterlife and is meant to lead the reader from darkness to light, depression to joy. It differs from Christian/Spiritual fiction in that there is no direct moral or statement of good and bad.

So, to sum it all up…yes, metaphysical/visionary fiction is weird, but in an ‘oh so good’ way. I’d place “Dark Night of the Soul” in the category of Visionary, because of its overall theme, not because I have some grand vision of the future to share.

Do you like “What Dreams May Come”? It’s considered visionary and is similar to “Dark Night of the soul”!


Book Spotlight: Tales of the 23rd Precinct by Kevin Anglade

Tales of the 23rd Precinct
by Kevin Anglade
Genre:  Detective Fiction/Mystery/Short-Stories 
Publisher:Flowered Concrete/CreateSpace
Release Date: January 28th, 2013
Available on Amazon

Book Description: 

It is well documented that despicable acts in the form of murder, bank heists, snitching, and drug trafficking happen in the heart of New York City daily. However, no borough is more adept to the turmoil of the inner city streets than Brooklyn. In a unique presentation, readers will be able to follow the stories and individual background surrounding Detectives Deborah Lane, Luke Fisher & Frank Matthews. The three detectives must use their wit, competence, persistence and sly capabilities to maneuver throughout Brooklyn and wherever crime may take them. No matter what misguided notions they act upon or crossfires they may encounter, it is quite odd and compelling that each of their stories correlate into something frankly twisted. This project compares to the substantial work of great writers in the Detective Fiction genre such as Ed McBain & Clark Howard. Once the book is devoured in its form, readers will hope for a time portal hoping to transport them back to where it all began.


In the midst of civilians running and screaming for their lives, Lane saw Jason Rivers fleeing up the stairs. Rivers had ditched his bag and was apparently saving himself.

Lane quickly ran up her opposite side of the platform to chase after him. As she went up the stairs she saw him exit the subway turnstile.

“Freeze!” she screamed.

Rivers pulled out his .45 and squeezed out four shots. Lane ducked and missed the attempts. She quickly took the northwest 59th and eighth avenue exit and met him outside. As Rivers tried to make his escape down the street in a run, two cop cars pulled up and surrounded him. Rivers then quickly went in the opposite direction towards a dark narrow alley.

Four more squad cars pulled up to face him.

 He then quickly dodged behind a dumpster.

“I give up!” he yelled. As he got up from behind it, he reached for his back pocket to pull out yet another gun, a .50 pistol but it never happened…As calm as the night, bullets from left to right quickly ripped through the chest of

Jason Rivers in the glow of the moonlit sky…He was lifeless before he hit the ground…As an onslaught of cops and Detective Lane crowded the suspect, they peered into the face of the money hungered youth…In the hard knock streets of New York City, the stories often ended this way…Fisher was now seen in the alleyway catching up to his partner. He was sporting a nasty gash under his right eye and a bloody lip.


About the Author:

Kevin Eleven, (Kevin Anglade) was born in Brooklyn but raised in the town of Jamaica, in the Queens borough of New York City. Interests of the author include reading, writing, poetry and acting. Kevin penned his first short-story titled “Trouble is My Middle Name” in 2011 and although a recent interest of his, he hopes to continue writing fictional tales that create delusional tales but a fun escape for readers nonetheless. As writer, and/or editor, Kevin hopes to continue propelling the establishment of his FLOWERED CONCRETE PUBLISHING brand.