Friday, 19 April 2013

Author Interview: David M. Brown

About the Author:

David Brown could be considered a fantasy fanatic, especially since he has spent the last 10 years developing a 47,000-year history for his fictional world of Elenchera. When converting his obsession into literary form, David commits himself to a rigorous writing and editing process before his work can meet his approval. Combined with the critical eye of his wife and a BA Hons in History and English, David's dedication leads him to his goal of inspiring readers through heartfelt stories and characters. Although David is inspired primarily by fantasy fiction, he also finds his muse in the form of anime, world cinema, history, and biographies.

Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

I tend to plan the main events of the story in advance. I think of them as little towers dotted across a landscape and I have to travel between each one. It's what happens between them that I often can't influence.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

Frequently. Whenever I start a book I always believe I am in complete control, that I know the characters better than they do themselves. When I least expect it the characters refuse to go where I want them to and take me on an alternative journey. It's both a pleasure and frustrating as you wait in suspense to see where they are leading you.

What is your favourite food?

I'd have to go with pizza. Just a simple margherita for me. I'm not very adventurous with food.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Definitely a night owl. Early rising has never been my thing but if I do manage to get up at a reasonable time I always feel proud. I'd rather stay up very late though and sleep in till late morning.

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

In 2008 I ticked both Australia and New Zealand off my list, so my primary target now is Japan. I have read about the country and enjoy learning about it. I've learned some of the language (not enough to be tested but I can order a beer and warn people of danger!), I love Japanese films and anime, and I long to visit both the rural and urban areas to get a taste of both the traditional and modern aspects of Japan. Everything about Japan I find fascinating.

Do distant places feature in your books?

The bulk of my novels are set in the fictitious world of Elenchera so I suppose every location feels like a distant and unique place. I try to make individual lands as different from one another as possible.

Do you listen to music while writing?

Music is my best friend when it comes to writing. I can't write very well in silence. Many songs have even given me ideas for novels. Their impact was less about their words but more about how they made me feel in a particular moment.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Man vs Cat is both a non fiction and fictional account of how my wife and I came to own six cats. It chronicles some of their most amusing and damaging escapades but also contains elements based around my paranoia that they're trying to kill me. I back this up with documentary evidence such as interviews, minutes from meetings, lists and even a badly spelled speech.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

I've learned that book bloggers are a writer's most valuable friends. I have made many blogging friends these last few years and have learned that they are to be treated with the highest patience and respect. A writer needs to work hard in promoting their own work but book bloggers, if you treat them in a manner they deserve, can make your journey so much smoother. I wouldn't have made it as far as I have without the support of the amazing bloggers where I have featured or had books reviewed.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I would have asked more questions at the beginning. I've learned many lessons along the way, some good and some bad, but I'm sure some of the harsh ones could have been prevented if I'd consulted more writers and bloggers in the indie community. Taking the self-publishing route can be daunting but you immediately have so many people that are willing to support you. You just need to find them first and the good news is they're not difficult to find.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

My biggest influence is my wife and muse, Donna. When we first met my confidence with writing had reached a low but she gave me the belief to start a new novel and has supported me ever since. Just by having her in my life means I have enjoyed far more luck than many writers but each day I am very grateful for having Donna in my life.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

If you haven't already, start a blog. It's a great way to encourage yourself to write regularly and also a useful means of networking with other writers and bloggers. I think all writers should consider opening their blogs to book reviews as well. If you have a feel of what it means to be a book blogger yourself then you will approach others in a much better and understanding manner.

What are three words that describe you?

Sarcastic. Honest. Taciturn.

What's your favourite book or who is your favourite writer?

My favourite book is Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. I first read it about ten years ago now and despite the film adaptation being a disappointment, the book never fails to astonish me even after repeat reads.

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book

History has known many famous cats - Garfield, Mr Bigglesworth, Simon's Cat, the Aristocats, the Cheshire cat and the Keyboard Cat on YouTube.

In recent years these feline things have replaced man's best friend as the most popular pet in the U.S. while the Ancient Egyptians once worshipped them as gods. This was a mistake and I'm here to tell you why.

Man vs Cat is the story of one man, one woman and the six cats that changed their lives forever. To the woman they brought love and affection, to the man they brought sleepless nights, fear, paranoia and even ruined his jigsaw. Need I say more?

List of previous books if any

Fezariu's Epiphany

Dark is the Day, Dead is the Night

A World Apart

Any websites/places readers can find you on the web.


Thank you, David and good luck with your books!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today, Annette.

    If your readers have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer :)

    1. You're welcome :) I think you have the same opinion of cats as my husband, LOL!
