Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Author Interview: Janiera Eldridge

About the Author:

Janiera enjoys feeding her book addiction when she not writing. Writing is therapeutic to her during her struggles with Fibromyalgia. Being unable to work a normal 9-5 is what encouraged her to write full time. She is also a book blogger at Beauty and Books where she mixes being a book nerd with keeping things chic. When not reading or writing she is freelance writing in the entertainment industry.When trying to relax she likes a huge yard sale on a Saturday morning, rainy days to read by and nacho cheese is her kryptonite. Soul Sisters is her debut novel.

Feel free to visit her book blog where she loves reviewing books and doing author interview at Books & Beauty- http://janieraeldridge.blogspot.com . She loves feedback and welcomes any questions or comments to her email: prettyhaydengurl@yahoo.com  and FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/authorjanieraeldridge

Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

I tend to let things flow when I’m writing. I might write down a plot idea when I have one and I’m not at the laptop but that I how far my planning goes.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

I write female characters with really strong, almost borderline personalities so sometimes they want to hog the entire spotlight. I try to keep all my secondary character interesting in their own rights to avoid that.

What is your favorite food?

I like to eat so that is a hard one but I love Chinese food!

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Definitely a night owl and now with me dealing with Fibromyalgia, I’m always awake well into the night.

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

I would love to travel to Germany. I heard it is a beautiful place landscape and building wise.

Do distant places feature in your books?

In the Soul Sisters series the vampire headquarters is in Sweden. I put it there because I love looking through pictures and reading about that beautiful country.

Do you listen to music while writing?

No, I find writing to music way too distracting. I always want to listen to the music and sing along. However, I do keep the TV on in the background so that my thoughts don’t wander.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

My latest release is a short story called Zombie Cruise. It’s a story about a women and a little girl fighting to survive a zombie outbreak on a cruise. It’s part of a serial series called Zombie Vacations about zombie outbreaks during times that are supposed to be relaxing bliss.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

You can never be fully prepared for all the hard work that you have to do as an indie author. However, you should be constantly reading about how to write and market your work.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I would ask for help, a lot sooner.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

All the wonderful horror films I’ve seen in the past has really helped influence my work.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

DON’T LET NEGATIVE REVIEWS GET YOU! Everyone is not going to like your work and that’s ok. As long as you are happy with your writing, that is all that counts!

What are three words that describe you?

Persistent, honest, passionate

What’s your favorite book or who is your favorite writer?

My favorite author is Stephen King. My favorite book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book

Zombie Cruise: Brenda Lawson signed up for a relaxing cruise but never thought she would be sharing the sea with the undead! As Brenda's paradise turns into a nightmare, she must care for a little girl who lost her mother to the darkness.

Will Brenda be able to save her life and the life of a precious child or will the new monsters of the sea have two new members?

Zombie Cruise is the first short story in the Zombie Vacations serial series, which features relaxing vacations that quickly turn into zombie hells!

List of previous books if any

Soul Sisters (Soul Sisters series book 1)

Dark Expectations (Soul Sisters series book 2)

Good Ghost Gone Bad (Vigilante Ghosts series book 1)

Any websites/places readers can find you on the web.

I’m always talking with fans on the web so feel free to add me on:

FB- https://www.facebook.com/authorjanieraeldridge

Twitter- http://twitter.com/janieraeldridge

Blog- http://janieraeldridge.blogspot.com  

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