Thursday, 27 March 2014

March Book Frenzy with eNovel Authors at Work

This Hop is brought to you by 

GENRES: Romance, Historical Fiction
Tour Link:  March Book Frenzy


Check out the prizes the authors are sponsoring:
$35, $25 and $20
2 featured e Books from each author.

2 X $20
in cash via paypal or gift card via Amazon (your choice)
Giveaway Link (Bloggers ONLY): Bloggers Giveaway

Follow the hop by visiting as many of the blogs on the linky as possible.

We encourage you to follow the blogs, leave a comments mentioning that you are from the Book March Frenzy Hop so that they may follow you back.
Remember to enter the Giveaway  at each to increase your chances of winning. 

Featured Books

In the Beginning 
by Abby L. Vandiver

In 1997, Justin Dickerson, a Biblical Archaeologist, jumps at the opportunity to attend the Fifty Year Jubilee commemorating the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The invitation to Jerusalem could not have come at a better time. Her life is almost unbearable. Travel, conversation with colleagues, and celebrating the find that stunned the Christian and secular world alike in 1949 promises a wonderful diversion from personal angst.

However, in the bustling metropolis of Jerusalem she learns that some of the 2,000 year old manuscripts, once hidden in clay pots in the caves of Qumran, may have been purposely destroyed. Obsessed with the discovery, Justin determines to find the truth. Family and an abiding faith are her anchors as she discovers the answer to Earth's ancient mysteries and what really happened In the Beginning . . .

Why I Chose This Book

First of all the title drew me in. The beginning of what? The world? A mystery? A romance? When I read the blurb, I was hooked even more. My husband jokes that I only read books with a red cross on the front. While it is true that I do read a lot of books with titles such as The Templar Code, The Templar Conspiracy, The Templar Secret, they are not all I read. I have a soft spot for religious conspiracy type thrillers ever since I read the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, my first book of that particular genre.

Going by the blurb and the cover of In the Beginning, I think it is a book that would fit in very well with that genre, and maybe even add something new as well. I've never read a book featuring a female archaeologist before and she sounds like a wonderful heroine for the book. This is one that will be going on my to-be-read pile.


by Dianne Greenlay
Amazon Kindle

A secret and unauthorized trip through the chaos of a 1717 London marketplace takes a bizarre twist for 16 year old Tess. Unexpectedly witnessing the murder of a renowned Seer, Tess becomes the keeper of the old woman's legendary spinner ring and its supposed power of prophecy.

Returning home, Tess bears the brunt of her father's rage when he is informed of her disobedient excursion. An ensuing altercation with her father leads Tess to the discovery of a family secret that stuns her.

Why I chose this book

First of all it's a beautiful and intriguing cover that drew my eye immediately. Historical books with a magical/supernatural twist are very rare and something that appeal to me. I'm not such a fan of modern, urban fantasy, as it were, but give me a historical setting with a bit of magic and I'm hooked.

Historicals have always fascinated me and even though you might find different authors writing about the same time period, each author brings their unique vision to it so you'll always find an original story, even if both are set in the same era.


Direct Link to Linky


Thank you for participating in the March Book Frenzy brought to you by eNovel Authors at Work.

We all look forward to meeting you and visiting your blog.


Wendy Ewurum

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Annette Gisby! Thank you so much for hosting eNovel Authors at Work book tour. It is a treat to be here today. My title, Flaps Down-The Reluctant Hero was nominated for a Readers' Choice Award 2014. It is 99 cents today and tomorrow. Cordially, Jackie Weger

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Anette. Thank you so much for being part of the hop and for doing such a fabulous job on the book covers.
    I feel the exact same about cover two and found your reasons for cover 1 so intriguing. very interesting.

  4. Thanks for featuring Fabulosity's March Book Frenzy.
    No More Mulberries is at 99 cents until the end of the blog hop.

  5. Hi Annette,
    I can understand the intrigue with the red crosses. hahaha I think all the books sound great, it was hard to choose. Kate Books, Crafts and Pretty Things

  6. Annette, I just wanted to thank you for participating in our March Book Frenzy. It was a busy, frantic four days and a wonderful opportunity to discover many great blogs! I'm pleased to read that you liked the cover for Quintspinner and I'm honored to be in the choice with Abby's cover which is so eye-catching and mysterious with its colors, tone and font.
