Sunday 25 October 2015

Author Interview: Kathryn Rogersof Memphis Hoodoo Murders

About the Author:

Kathryn Rogers is a Memphis native with an affinity for local BBQ and blues rock-n-roll. As a licensed therapist, she holds her Masters in Counseling and Psychology, and as a licensed educator, she holds her Bachelors in Education. Her experience providing counseling services to the community prepared her to expound upon the psychological issues her characters wrestle with in her stories. She currently lives in Jackson, Mississippi with her husband, playful preschooler, and rambunctious Labrador Retrievers.


Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

I generally just let the story flow since I don't normally create the whole story in chronological order. Instead I typically get bits and pieces of the puzzle, and over time it becomes clear what order they should go in. At the beginning, I tend to see the beginning and ending though – it's the rest of it which comes to me in parts. I don't worry about the sequence of events – I just write it all down as best as I can. And then when I have enough pieces, the picture becomes clear.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story? 

My characters tell the story – I am the transcriber for them.

What is your favorite food?

That's a hard question at the moment. I am currently expecting my second child, so everything tastes differently today than it normally does. However, with that being said, I am always up for Mexican or Italian food. And I don't think any day is complete without a good cup of a coffee and a little bit of chocolate.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

I am absolutely a night owl. I love to write late in the evening after everyone has gone to sleep and the house is still and quiet. However, my husband and child are both early risers, so I now have to force myself to go to bed at a reasonable hour since my child will get me up early no matter how late I go to bed. Coffee helps with writing and the sleep deprivation which comes from motherhood.

Where do you dream of traveling to and why?

I studied in Europe in college a couple of times. I would love to go back to London and to travel around Scotland again. As far as places I have never been, I have always dreamed of visiting Norway and seeing their beautiful fjords. Someday I plan to go.

Do distant places feature in your books?

Not yet, but I can't say they won't ever.  At present, I am focusing on the Southern region of the United States as settings for all of my stories, particularly in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. There is so much history in these areas that the writing possibilities seem endless.

Do you listen to music while writing? 

Absolutely. I do my best writing while Pandora is playing.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release? 

Memphis Hoodoo Murders was released through Kindle August 14, 2015 and through Amazon August 15, 2015. While I have had some poetry published in the past, this is my first novel. I hope it will be the first of many.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

I learned how important it is to be persistent with writing; the writers who become authors are the ones who didn’t quit. The business side of publishing was quite new for me, and having James Dickerson of Sartoris Literary Group to help guide me was tremendously beneficial.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I try not to have regrets by evaluating decisions I have made where things didn't turn out as well as I wish they had. I work to determine what I learned from the experiences, what I will do again, and what I will do differently the next go round. This is a much more productive investment of emotional energy and time than worrying about the past.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

Everywhere I go and everyone I meet give me inspiration for my writing.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

Read and write as much as you can. Listen to feedback from others who will take the time to read your work and who have your best interest at heart. Write what you want to read. Never make promises to readers you don't intend to keep, give them a story interesting enough to justify an investment of their time, and leave them feeling satisfied when they get done with your novel.

What are three words that describe you? 

Kind, compassionate, honest

What's your favorite book or who is your favorite writer? 

I like so many writers that it would be impossible for me to pick a favorite. However, J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer inspire me since they were both mothers who wrote their stories down and “made it” in the literary world. Stories like theirs gave me hope and encouragement to press on when I got discouraged at times and considered giving up. As far as books go, I don’t have a favorite, and I rarely read a book I don't like. Growing up, C.S. Lewis's Narnia series inspired me to be more imaginative, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a classic story which left a lifelong impression on me. Also, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck is one of the best novels I have had the privilege of reading.

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book

Memphis Hoodoo Murders is an occult horror mystery novel. It was published by Sartoris Literary Group on August 15, 2015 and is available for sale on Amazon.


Addie Jackson has witnessed people trying to kill her family her entire life, and now her grandparents’ attackers are hunting her. The Memphis police are never able to catch these crooks since the cops have been bewitched to stay away. Her grandparents, Pop and Grandma, habitually lie to Addie, but she is attentive enough to overhear the secrets they keep from her. In her predictive dreams, Addie regularly sees future events, which disturb her, but to her dismay, she has never been able to stop them from coming true. She often dreams of a dark character, who she is later shocked to discover is the Man, a devil from hoodoo legend.

Addie is disturbed to discover she is being stalked by a witch doctor named Hoodoo Helen. To make matters worse, the more secrets Addie uncovers, the more danger she finds. Addie presses Grandma for answers about the power behind the ring and pocket watch she often toys with, but Grandma remains tight-lipped. Knowing their deaths are imminent, Grandma makes a deal with the hoodoo devil to take care of Addie, and Addie is later horrified to discover that her beloved family has been murdered. John, a family friend, steps in to help Addie, and she soon realizes he knows more about her family’s tainted past than she ever has. Addie begins receiving cryptic letters from her deceased grandmother, which reveal a shocking family history revolving around slavery, time travel, and magic.

If Addie can survive jail, her cousin’s abduction, threats from a menacing gang, corrupt law enforcement, and hoodooed attacks, maybe she can finally dream of a future where she will be safe and free.

Praise for Memphis Hoodoo Murders:

Dripping with grisly spells, wry humor and a distinctly southern brand of magical realism, you’ll be quickly mesmerized by this magnetic paranormal thriller. A home run for author Kathryn Rogers.” – Reviewed by Best Thrillers

Addie Jackson is not your average college student. For starters, she lives with her slightly odd grandparents in a not-so-nice part of Memphis, Tennessee. Most of her life revolves around taking care of her grandparents and trying to keep a low profile in her neighborhood instead of going on dates, talking about new music, and having fun. When her grandparents’ behavior becomes even more bizarre, there are break-ins at the church the family attends, and she begins to have dreams that come true, Addie becomes even more aware of the strange life she is living. She begins to believe that her grandparents have been hiding something from her for her entire life, something big, something that could put everyone’s lives in danger. Something that could mean that Hoodoo magic is real. Kathryn Rogers’ novel, Memphis Hoodoo Murders, immediately catches the reader with an exciting title and a surprising first chapter.” – Reviewed by Red City Review

Any websites/places readers can find you on the web:

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