Thursday 3 January 2013

Author Interview and giveaway with Michelle Cornwell-Jordan

About the Author:

Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a YA Paranormal Author.

Her titles: Reahket (Co-written with Author Danny Jones)

Michelle is also the author of the YA novella series Night School Vampire Hunter trilogy.

Series includes:

Night School Vampire Hunter novella #1 Released date March 2012
Kindred (A Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy novella) #2 Released date November 2012
Redemption (A Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy novella) #3 Released date spring 2013

Works –In-Progress

Chrysalis (Full Length) Released date spring 2013
Hunters Series novellas Released date summer 2013

Ame Academy’s Paranormal novella series summer 2013

Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is also the producer of the online radio segment IndieReview Behind The Scenes, where she and her co-host Jamie B Musings interviews Indie Authors and Musicians.

  Interview:   Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

I have the structure or the skeleton of the story in my my mind already framed, So there are loose plot lines that lead me in the general direction of where I THINK I might want to go...THEN I wing it:)

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

Always, they wish to have their way, so I allow them, but if they go to far afield then I reign them back and then they behave..for just a little while...,lol

What is your favorite food?

I love chicken....fried, baked...all is fine with me...

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Well, I am a hybrid...I do well getting up very early in the mornings, and I can also stay up late at night...its just the afternoon I'm a mess:)

Where do you dream of traveling to and why?

The seems so quiet, peaceful, riped for adventures on those mossy forest paths...I would love to have a home in the Smokies:)

Do distant places feature in your books?

Not really in Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy. But it will in upcoming stories.

Do you listen to music while writing?

All the time, mainly rock lately....the music many times, steer where the story goes!

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Kindred is the 2nd novella in the Night School Vampire Trilogy. It is actually going to be the prequels to upcoming novella series.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

That there is always something MORE to be learned and that there are a lot of people out here in the writing community willing to help!

Is there anything you would do differently?

In life? Or simply in my writing/publishing? I would have to say yes to both areas I might slow down a little and learn a few things to prepare me for what's ahead vs. jumping right in and trying to stay afloat while learning to swim.

But I say that...but in my heart, I have so much fun (at times) doing it the way I have:)

Blurb of your latest book:

The Kindred is the second novella in The Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy.

Angel and her friends at Ame Academy, a boarding school for preternatural and humans are back, and they are preparing for battle against the dark forces that kidnapped Angel’s younger brother Jordan. Angel had recently discovered that she was a Hunter and that she alone has a special weapon against her enemies; her blood, which is discovered to be toxic to her enemies. Angel is prepared to use her training and all that is at her disposal in order to save Jordan, even if that means joining forces with the strange and mysterious Rafael, who at their first meeting, she recognized him as the boy she had dreamed about for weeks prior to his arrival at the school. Angel cannot shake the feeling that she knew Rafael before, and is hopelessly drawn to her extremely handsome fellow hunter.

Rafael frightens her, he hints of a secret; another time and another life lived.

Can love survive two lifetimes?

Events unfold that provides the answers to who Rafael really is and what they mean to one another; and along with these strange and blossoming emotions for Rafael, along with guilt and fear for her brothers safety; Angel discovers that she is more than just a Vampire Hunter, and that she plays a major role in a ancient prophecy, which she must fulfill by facing an a force so evil that survival is not promised.

But she will face the Dark One, Angel will sacrifice all, if it means saving all whom she loves.

Many questions are answered, but the drama is just beginning….

Any places readers can find you on the web:

Michelle Cornwell-Jordan’s website!

Contact regarding the Hunters Series Fan Club

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me! The Post looks great:)


  2. Thank you for hosting today:)

  3. Thank you for hosting today:)

  4. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share with us today. I am looking forward to the read and the series definitely looks intriguing. Do you think you will put the shorts together in one book? I am just a greedy gal and love more LOL

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
