Saturday, 20 April 2013

Author Interview & Giveaway: Jane B Night

About the Author:

I am an avid reader, scrapbooker, writer, lecturer and working mother of twins.

Yes, I am very busy.

I started writing when I was in second grade. I was part of the young authors program in gradeschool. When I was older I joined 4-H and had creative writing as a project. I won at county level when I was 13.

I have a degree in Health Information Managment and work at a local hospital. One of the biggest perks of my job is that I am allowed to listen to audiobooks at work.

I live in central Ohio with my two children and my best friend since highschool.  

Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?   I usually plan things out as much as possible. I have a rough outline and then each day before I sit down to write I make a mental list of what is supposed to happen in the scene or scenes I am working on that day.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

I haven't had this happen exactly but sometimes I will be writing and will see an opportunity for the story to go in a way I hadn't expected. I usually try to follow it there when I can.

What is your favourite food?

I love Steak. Medium Rare.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night Owl.

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

I would really like to visit Europe someday. I have never been out of the US and wonder what the rest of the world is like.

Do distant places feature in your books?

My book takes place in the future. The geography has changed in the book due to a bomb that caused a near apocalypse.

Do you listen to music while writing?

Often. I have varied tastes. Depending on what book I am working on sometimes depends on what I listen to. While writing Educating Autumn I listened to a mix of love songs that included music from Iron and Wine and Death Cab for Cutie.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Educating Autumn takes place in a futuristic dystopian society but it is primarily a romance. Autumn Clare is the central character and she is forced into a marriage to Orion Louis. His kindness to her as well as her new understanding of the world they live in allow her to love him back.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

I have learned that it is important to know what you are writing and to be prepared to sell to the right markets. I self published Educating Autumn because there wasn't much of a market for futuristic dystopian romances if one went through a traditional publisher. I believe however that most people who love romance will enjoy the book.

Is there anything you would do differently?

Knowing what I know now I would have self published sooner. Educating Autumn could have been ready four years ago if I had just known what I was going to do with it.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

So many things actually. My dad is a storyteller so at a young age we started making up stories together. I also had a few awesome English teachers and friends who were fellow writers.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

You can do it. It is long and hard work but well worth it. Study as much as you can. Read books of all kinds including books on writing. Take from those what feels right to you.

What are three words that describe you?

Creative, goofy, and romantic.

What's your favourite book or who is your favourite writer?

Oh so many. My current favorite book is A Lady Awakened. Long standing favorite books include The Golden Hawk, Flowers in the Attic, and A Year and a Day.

Blurb of your latest release or coming soon book-

Orion Louis knows he has found the woman he is destined to marry when Autumn Clare enters his uncle's store.

Autumn Clare isn't like the other girls in Willow Springs. She has taught herself to read though it is taboo for a woman to be educated. She is surprised and distraught when her father announces that a stranger has asked for her hand in marriage.

List of previous books if any- I don't have an previous books. Educating Autumn was my first.

Any websites/places readers can find you on the web.

For a free copy of the book, please use the following code at Smashwords:
Coupon Code is: KC96G

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