Saturday 26 October 2013

Book Spotlight: Love's Labors and Other Ribald Stories

Love's Labors and other ribald stories
by Thomas Jones
Genre: Ribald (mild, non-descriptive erotica)


In 'Love's Labors', Suzanne's husband Marvin, the best there ever was in bed before their marriage, developed a problem soon after. He fails to live up to his previous standards unless aroused by listening to his wife's adventures with other men. After exhausting her imagination in conjuring up imaginary lovers, Suzanne starts picking up real lovers and sexual bliss returns to their marital bed.

The story 'Live Wire' finds Jason and his newly married wife Amanda separated often for days because of his job. To relieve frustration, Amanda suggests using the phone to talk about what they would do had they been together. The arrangement and the subsequent sexual relief make Jason fabulously happy but he is unaware of how his wife is dealing with her own loneliness.

Suzanne, Marvin's wayward wife, returns in 'The Other Man', picking up a young man in a diner and taking him home to bed. Interrupted by the door bell, the young man retreats into the closet and watches her make love to a former lover. While preparing to leave, he notices another man hiding in the closet.

'The Swap' tells the story of two couples spending a long weekend on a secluded beach. As they indulge in skinny dips and open sex, attraction for the other's partner grows, resulting in a not so unexpected coupling.

"Honey Trap' is the story of a scheming couple who plan to entice rich men to bed using the charms of the wife and the husband breaking in at the crucial moment to blackmail the trapped man. Unfortunately their plans go awry every time. With her husband in deep financial trouble, the wife plans her own rescue act using her recent experience.


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