Monday, 5 December 2016

Author Interview & Giveaway: Into the Shadows by ClareMarie

Into The Shadows
The Shadows Trilogy
Book 1

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Date of Publication: November 10, 2016

ISBN: 9781539508984

Number of pages: 456
Word Count: 63,200

Book Description:

Imagine living in a world where there are more than humans – a society where Paranormals co-exist with us, and a corrupt government kidnaps them so they can study their immortality and powers.

Where would you go?
Imagine thinking you were human all your life, then find out you’re not, and if the government discovers you, you’ll become the most desired paranormal test subject to ever live.

Where would you hide?

In 2050, our world was divided into four species - Humans, Paranormals, Descendants, and Mutated Humans. Ava James thinks she's human, but finds out she's not… and in more danger, than she ever could have realized.

Her days just got a whole lot busier.

"You need to learn to protect yourself. You need to know the dangers of what you are, but also the strength of who you are."

All set in year 3000


I'm lying here curled into a ball on the cement floor after many weeks in captivity, beaten, bruised and weak. My wounds will soon heal before the next interrogation but as always I'll remain silent. I think back on a happy memory I shared with him; Kyran Lewis.
Our world was once free until they came along. Our country once in the light now exists in shadows, because they live in darkness.
Nine months earlier, I was walking to work through the woods near my home on a cold, foggy morning where the scent of pine is in the air and the crinkle of leaves below. I could certainly feel someone or something following me. I see movement from behind a tree, a grey wolf with soulful green eyes; I’m mesmerized. The wolf stares back into my blue ones, well aware that I should be terrified, but strangely a warm feeling of calm fell over me.
It took a few steps towards me and I stood still not out of fear but letting him smell me knowing dogs like to do that and wolves are probably similar I would imagine. I'm not sure how I pick up the wolf is male, just a hunch I feel and oddly a sudden hit of attraction which quite frankly is disturbing.

The wolf stops in front of me continuing to look into my eyes, I stare back, and deep in his, I could feel intelligence in there much more than an animal’s. The woods was grown for the werewolves by The Government next to Central Park, and it isn't difficult to figure out he is one. I'm not sure how but I know my life just changed, and in a sense something moved inside of me clicking into place and from the slightly startled look in his green eyes, he felt it too.
I put my hand out, palm up, for him to sniff and to come closer. He takes a sniff but I think purely for show sending out his ok for me to stroke his fur. I move towards him allowing my hand to run through his pelt. It's so soft and glossy looking, he makes a rumbling noise in pleasure. Remembering I should be at work soon, I move back and start walking the way I'd been going before I saw him but looking over my shoulder every few seconds to watch the wolf who's going from tree to tree following me.
The wolf stops on the border of Woodlands Creek as I leave him, going into the streets of New York, crossing the road. I look back at him one more time before opening the door to work and find him still watching me, sitting on his haunches.
That's the first day I met Kyran Lewis, but I hadn't known that then. I wouldn't find out the secret he held until many months later when my story began.
Would you want to live in the shadows?

About the Author:

Paranormal and Contemporary Romance Author of The Shadows Trilogy and The Rockstar Alliance Series.

ClareMarie was born in England, but now lives in Galway Ireland. ClareMarie started songwriting at fourteen which grew into a passion for writing.

ClareMarie enjoys writing, music, reading lyrics to her favorite songs, books, audiobooks, movies and TV shows.

She published her debut Sci-fi/Fantasy novel on November 10th, 2016.


Do you plan everything or just let the story flow?

A bit of both. I plan the basics like background on the characters on paper and inside my head I plot a vague outline and that's it I begin writing letting the characters guide me.

Do your characters ever want to take over the story?

All the time. I strongly believe my characters are the ones telling the story and I'm just being used by my characters to tell it for them. For example I could be writing a scene I love but my female lead will tell me this isn't right for her or that it's too soon and she won't leave me alone until I either rewrite or delete the scene.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite dinner is Lasagna and Garlic Bread, Yum.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Definitely a night owl.

Where do you dream of travelling to and why?

New York. Because that's where my first book Into The Shadows takes place so off course I want to visit there.

Do distant places feature in your books?

Well in my first book no, it's all focused in New York but the second book in the trilogy focuses in a secret city. I'm super excited.

Do you listen to music while writing?

Yes. Music really helps me to tap into emotions I may need for a scene. For example if I'm writing a sad scene I'll listen to a ballad etc.

Could you tell us a bit about your latest release?

Sure. Into The Shadows is a Paranormal Romance that takes place in News York in year 3000. In 2050 the world changed when paranormals were discovered and the world was split into four species of Paranormals, MH's (Mutated Humans), Descendants, and Humans. Ava James the female lead grew up believing she was human but finds out she isn't when she meets her mate Kyran Lewis and finds out shes in terrible danger.

What have you learned about writing and publishing since you first started?

That writing is a process and cannot be rushed if you want it done right. I made mistakes in my timeline thinking a few months to publish it would be enough time to get it ready after I completed the manuscript and it was a nightmare getting the book completed on time. So I learned to take things slower and hold in excitement in getting my book to readers.

Is there anything you would do differently?

Yes. I would of taken publishing my first book much slower but it was my Debut Novel so by making mistakes I learned and through that I am more experienced but hey still incredibly new to this business. I have a lot more to learn.

Who, or what, if anything has influenced your writing?

My love of all things paranormal/supernatural. My love of creating new worlds. My love of music, songwriting and rockstars inspired my next book.

Anything you would say to those just starting out in the craft?

Never stop writing. You can only gain by doing so and write down every idea you have, thoughts on characters or plot basically everything. You'll thank yourself later.

What are three words that describe you?

Loyal, Loving and caring.

What's your favourite book or who is your favourite writer?

My favourite authors are Krista & Becca Ritchie, S.C. Stephens, C.C. Hunter, Samantha Young, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Nalini Singh and Abbi Glines. Those are just a few.

List of previous books if any

No previous, Into The Shadows is my Debut however it's a trilogy so two more full length books plus I have a prequel planned. Also, I have a new book coming out soon I'm thinking February 2017 it's a Contemporary Rockstar Romance titled The Alliance, the first book is an Eight book planned series.


Tour giveaway

4 SIGNED paperback copies

4 eBook copies.

$10 Amazon gift card, SIGNED paperback + eBook copy.

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